Aww, thank you so much! >^<
I really like this! It's a good way to end off the series, albeit morbid, but still really good.
I think my only complaint is that I feel it's a bit too intense for a T rating and is rather suited for an M rating instead, considering the blood and gore (and especially the ending too), but that's probably just me nitpicking if anything.
I remember watching these shorts a lot back in 2014 when I was 11, glad to know these are still going strong as ever!
Absolutely phenomenal.
This is a masterpiece, in the sense that it succeeds at its own absurdity and captures the legitimacy of the title.
Very grating.
This is such an amazing twist on the classic Steamed Hams skit from The Simpsons, especially from Vinny too, he's such a funny guy.
Great job to everyone who participated in this!
I adore both Goth and Ellie so much.
I loved this a lot!
This is like if the cuteness of girly shows (like PPG), the crudeness of Newgrounds, and the brutality of the Mortal Kombat series had a lovechild.
Though I do feel like the action scenes could be a bit more faster paced with the amount of blood and gore being there, plus the irony of the girl not swearing despite what she regularly does out of impulse.
The part where the girl transforms and her clothes being ripped also wasn't necessary (also a bit suspect).
Still, the character designs are super cute!
I really love the aesthetic and effects in this! My favorite parts was when Jay was so stoned that everything became realistic and the one with the puppets.
Can't wait to see more of these!
I really love the style and aesthetic in this! It balances both its cuteness and crudeness at the same time while also feeling very 2000s.
It's amazing!
dumbass who draws and makes animations/comics based on original characters.
also I guess I voice act and make music.
founder of Orianime Productions
Age 22, she/they/it
college :(
rotting in the US
Joined on 8/18/18